In Visual Studio 2008 or Visual Studio 2010, you’ve started developing your Data project and let’s say you’re designing your DataSets through Visual Studio’s nice DataSet Designer just by drag/dropping your entities (tables, views) into the designer , from “Server Explorer” that you connected to your SQL Server . If your entity is a “Table” […]

Read More → Why do you see grayed out GenerateDBDirectMethods checkbox in “TableAdapter Configuration Wizard”

Let’s say you have got a SQL Server 2005/2008 cluster with two nodes. Here’s the configuration in detail : Cluster name : MYCLUSTER Cluster IP : Node 1 (active node) hostname : NODE1 Node 1 IP : Node 2 (passive node) hostname : NODE2 Node 2 IP : The SQL Server Instance […]

Read More → How you should set your firewall rules to be able to connect to a SQL Server 2005/2008 clustered instance